Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tip Tuesday: Going Places (book review)

I found this book at our local library and read it to my son. I fell in love with it and found it to be a perfect book not just for my own child but also a great book for speech therapy for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the book is quite interesting for both boys and girls and it has great illustrations. But beyond the obvious I really like this book as a means to target social skills and higher level reasoning skills.

The book is about a boy who teams up with a classmate to make a special creation in order to enter into a race. The book encourages discussions about: teamwork, cooperation, compromise, personal inspiration, inventions and "outside of the box" thinking. The end of this book provides students with an opportunity to use context to predict what invention they will create next and through illustration only can a student determine if their "prediction" is correct. What a great way to work on predictions and inferences with our children with ASD!

In addition, there is a moment when a fellow classmate criticizes the two main characters' creation. What a great opportunity to target social skills and talk about the ways in which we are different from each other and how we can accept others with our differences!

This is a simple book but one worth checking out at your local library.

Happy talking and reading!

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